Safe and Liveable Urban Communities Initiative

The global trend towards more on-demand services and a delivery cultures is making urban environments busier. The challenge is to keep our urban places liveable and design roads to be shared and safe for everyone. 

The Safe and Liveable Communities initiative aims to improve the safety of people in urban areas, through infrastructure safety upgrades for pedestrians and bicycle riders, and by specifically addressing serious injury crashes in urban areas.

The Safe and Liveable Urban Communities initiative is targeting pedestrian and bicycle rider fatalities by using a number of key treatments:

  • Expanding 40 km/h zones in areas of high pedestrian activity
  • Installing traffic calming, pedestrian refuges and crossings in busy urban places to improve pedestrian safety
  • Work that delivers safer and more controlled vehicle turning to reduce the risk of dangerous side impact crashes
  • An expanded pedestrian protection (‘green on green’ removal) program and signal changes for safer pedestrian movement
  • Raised intersection platforms, profile treatments, and innovative roundabout designs at more urban intersections to reduce serious injuries. 

In line with Towards Zero, the Safe and Liveable Urban Communities initiative is delivering consistent improvements in place of traditional reactive safety treatments that target isolated locations on the road network.

Sydney SLUC project

Key Treatments

The Safe and Liveable Urban Communities initiative is targeting pedestrian and bicycle rider fatalities by using a number of key treatments


40 km/h zones in areas of high pedestrian activity


Raised pedestrian (wombat) crossings


Pedestrian refuges




Pedestrian protection at signalised intersections